Supporting NPWS prototype assessments for fire management guidance
Updates to the Tolerable Fire Intervals
The NSW Tolerable Fire Interval guidelines are being updated to improve the application of different fire intervals in the landscape. The tolerable fire intervals form part of the official regulatory requirements under the Bushfire Environmental Assessment Code (BFEAC) to reduce harm to biodiversity through fire management.
Initial risk prediction tools trialled
A model to predict the distribution of plant juvenile periods has been developed to support further development of the Tolerable Fire Intervals. Further refinements of this model are being tested, incorporating NARCliM products.
Updates to the Threatened Species Hazard Reduction List 
The Threatened Species Hazard Reduction List (TSHRL) is a component of the Bushfire Environmental Assessment Code (BFEAC), which provides a streamlined environmental assessment process for low risk planned fire and mechanical hazard reduction activities. The TSHRL outlines conditions under which hazard reduction activities can take place with minimal harm to threatened species and threatened ecological communities.
After two years of consultation, feedback and review, an update to the Threatened Species Hazard Reduction List is at the final stages of preparation. When adopted, this will be a major achievement as the TSHRL has not been updated since 2013.